About Us

About usOur Story

SAPLSMW is the brainchild of James Kauffman who, in 2003, saw a need for a support community dedicated to the art of data conversion with focus on SAP's Legacy Systems Migration Workbench. SAPLSMW is a repository of aggregated knowledge from professionals accumulated over the course of several careers and is open to programmers of any discipline.

Our Goal

The goal of SAPLSMW is to eliminate the steep learning curve associated with legacy data migration by sharing our experience, by establishing programming standards and naming conventions and by developing and sharing reusable tools for the data conversion community. Our contributers are international programming consultants who are committed to sharing knowledge and have worked on SAP implementations around the world.

Contact Us

We do our best to answer questions about data migration, but the same form can be used to contact us for any reason. Please forgive the 10-character CAPTCHA; we get hundreds of spam contributions without it.
