Import Unicode UTF-8 Text Directly into Access Using VBA

The power, convenience and autmation of MS Access makes it the perfect tool for manipulating data during a data migration project. Its native support makes it even more powerful when dealing with an international project.
Manually importing extracted data opens the door to errors, delays and failed projects. A common best practice is to eliminate manual steps whenever possible and including the import as a step in a macro eliminates the risk of that step being forgotten.
Most of this code is recycled from a 2011 snippet that imported ANSI text directly into an Access table using VBA. That function only imports garbled mess when attempting to import Unicode.
The status bar functions that predict the amount of time remaining are moot today because networks and computers are blistering fast compared to what was available in 2011; it might take several minutes to import a text file on a share in another country, but today it takes mere seconds. The functionality is left in just as it does not slow down the process and might someday help a programmer decide whether or not to go for a coffee.
The source code
Naturally, this has already been included in Jimbo's VBA Automation Toolbox, but it is included here for those who simply want to copy-paste. It relies on a supplementary function called CreateTable() function which is included below.
There are a few extra lines of code that automatically detect if this is data that has been copy-pasted from SAP's SE16 transaction. When detected, the delimiter is automatically changed to the pipe or | and the fourth line of text is used as the source for field names.
Function ImportFromUnicode(strTableName As String, strFileName As String, Optional ByVal strDelim As String = vbTab) As Boolean Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim nCurrent As Long, nFieldCount As Long, nRecordCount As Long Dim RetVal As Variant, nCurRec As Long, dnow As Date, nCurSec As Long Dim nTotalSeconds As Long, nSecondsLeft As Long Dim nTotalbytes As Long, nFileLen As Long Dim strTest As Variant Dim strTemp As String Dim strHeadersIn() As String Dim strHeaders(999) As String Const nReadAhead As Long = 30000 Dim nSizes(999) As Long, strRecords() As String, nRecords As Long, nLoaded As Long Dim strFields() As String Dim nHeaders As Long Dim isSAP As Boolean nFileLen = FileLen(strFileName) RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Preparing to import " & strTableName & " from " & strFileName & "...") RetVal = DoEvents() 'Open strFileName For Input As #1 Dim objStream, strData Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objStream.Charset = "utf-8" objStream.Open objStream.LoadFromFile (strFileName) strData = objStream.ReadText() objStream.Close strRecords = Split(strData, vbCrLf) strTest = strRecords(0) If Left(strTest, 6) = "Table:" Then 'This is an SAP extract! isSAP = True strTest = strRecords(3) 'Fourth line has the headers! nRecords = 4 nLoaded = 4 strDelim = "|" Else isSAP = False nRecords = 1 nLoaded = 1 End If nTotalbytes = nTotalbytes + Len(strTest) + 2 ' +2 for vbCrLf--This line prevents div by zero later... strTest = Trim(strTest) If Right(strTest, 1) = strDelim Then strTest = Left(strTest, Len(strTest) - 1) End If strHeadersIn = Split(Trim(strTest), strDelim) nHeaders = 0 For Each strTest In strHeadersIn nHeaders = nHeaders + 1 strTest = Replace(Replace(strTest, " ", ""), ".", "") strTest = Replace(Replace(strTest, " ", ""), ".", "") If Len(Trim(strTest)) = 0 Then strHeaders(nHeaders) = "HEADER" & Right("000" & nHeaders, 3) Else strHeaders(nHeaders) = Trim(strTest) End If For nCurrent = 1 To nHeaders - 1 If strHeaders(nHeaders) = strHeaders(nCurrent) Then strHeaders(nHeaders) = strHeaders(nHeaders) & nHeaders End If Next Next strHeaders(0) = nHeaders RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus) RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Preparing to import " & strTableName & " from " & strFileName & "...", nReadAhead) RetVal = DoEvents() Do While nRecords < UBound(strRecords) 'Read through the file and get the maximum sizes for fields in advance. strTest = strRecords(nRecords) strTest = Trim(strTest) If Right(strTest, 1) = strDelim Then strTest = Left(strTest, Len(strTest) - 1) End If If isSAP And Left(strTest, 20) = "--------------------" Then strTest = "" 'Skip this line! End If If Len(strTest) > 0 Then strFields = Split(strTest, strDelim) nCurrent = 0 For Each strTest In strFields nCurrent = nCurrent + 1 If Len(strTest) > nSizes(nCurrent) Then nSizes(nCurrent) = Len(strTest) End If Next End If nRecords = nRecords + 1 Loop If CreateTable(strTableName, strHeaders, nSizes) Then If isSAP Then For nCurrent = 1 To nHeaders If Left(strHeaders(nCurrent), 8) = "HEADER00" Then strHeaders(nCurrent) = "" 'Don't bother importing this field. End If Next End If Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strTableName) nTotalSeconds = 0 Do While nLoaded < UBound(strRecords) nCurRec = nCurRec + 1 If Second(Now()) <> nCurSec Then nCurSec = Second(Now()) nTotalSeconds = nTotalSeconds + 1 'RetVal = DoEvents() If nTotalSeconds > 3 Then 'nSecondsLeft = Int(((nTotalSeconds / nCurRec) * rs.RecordCount) * ((rs.RecordCount - nCurRec) / rs.RecordCount)) nSecondsLeft = Int(((nTotalSeconds / nTotalbytes) * nFileLen) * ((nFileLen - nTotalbytes) / nFileLen)) RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter) RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Importing " & strTableName & " from " & strFileName & "... " & nSecondsLeft & " seconds remaining.", nFileLen) RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, nTotalbytes) RetVal = DoEvents() End If End If nLoaded = nLoaded + 1 strTest = strRecords(nLoaded) nTotalbytes = nTotalbytes + Len(strTest) + 2 'vbCrLf strTest = Trim(strTest) If Right(strTest, 1) = strDelim Then strTest = Left(strTest, Len(strTest) - 1) End If If isSAP And Left(strTest, 20) = "--------------------" Then strTest = "" 'Skip this line! End If If Len(strTest) > 0 Then strFields = Split(strTest, strDelim) nCurrent = 0 rs.AddNew For Each strTest In strFields nCurrent = nCurrent + 1 If Len(Trim(strHeaders(nCurrent))) > 0 Then rs.Fields(strHeaders(nCurrent)).Value = Trim(strFields(nCurrent - 1)) End If Next rs.Update End If Loop rs.Close End If RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter) End Function Function CreateTable(strTableName As String, strFields() As String, nSizes() As Long) As Boolean Dim nCounter As Long Dim dbs As DAO.Database 'Now create the database. Rename the old database if necessary. Set dbs = CurrentDb Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim fld1 As DAO.Field Dim fld2 As DAO.Field Dim fName As String Dim fType As Integer Dim fSize As Integer On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 'Check for existence of TargetTable nCounter = 0 Do While nCounter < dbs.TableDefs.Count If dbs.TableDefs(nCounter).Name = strTableName Then 'Delete TargetTable--must start from scratch dbs.TableDefs.Delete (strTableName) End If nCounter = nCounter + 1 Loop Set tdf = dbs.CreateTableDef(strTableName) For nCounter = 1 To Val(strFields(0)) fName = strFields(nCounter) fType = dbText 'Never encounter type-mismatch if we always use text. fSize = nSizes(nCounter) 'fSize = 255 Set fld1 = tdf.CreateField(fName, fType, fSize) fld1.AllowZeroLength = True fld1.Required = False tdf.Fields.Append fld1 Next 'Create the table in the database dbs.TableDefs.Append tdf dbs.TableDefs.Refresh CreateTable = True Exit Function ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description CreateTable = False Exit Function End Function