Read Table Data from SAP into Excel Using RFCs

The ability to put into the hands of users an easy way to tease out of SAP data directly from tables has always been difficult in larger organizations because BASIS teams tend to disable SQ00 "because performance". Considering that larger organizations have dozens of front end servers and a query will consume a tiny percentage of one front end server's capacity for some seconds leads many to believe that the purpose of blocking this access is to eliminate support calls; eliminating a feature is easier than walking a user through creating a dataset and building a query.
In scenarios where the source tables are less than one million records long and the data can be knit together using vlookups, Excel can be used to tease data out of SAP using the RFC_READ_TABLE function. Where the data exceeds one million records, the preferred method is to use a similar function in Access and articles explaining that capacity are listed here.
- Create an Access Database File and Import a Text File to a Table Within Using VBA
- Import Unicode UTF-8 Text Directly into Access Using VBA
- Import tables directly into Access from SAP using RFCs
- Import a text file as a table in MS Access using VBA
The VBA code is relatively simple in this case. The connection to the SAP system has been moved outside into its own function and then each call to the next function recycles the same R3 connection.
Function GetR3(ByRef R3 As Object) As Boolean Set R3 = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") '************************************* ' Put in your own credentials here. '************************************* R3.Connection.System = "P01" R3.Connection.SystemNumber = "00" R3.Connection.client = "100" R3.Connection.User = "" ' Put your User ID here if desired. R3.Connection.Password = "" 'Put your password here (optional). R3.Connection.LANGUAGE = "EN" R3.Connection.ApplicationServer = "" 'Or IP address If R3.Connection.logon(0, True) <> True Then If R3.Connection.logon(0, False) <> True Then GetR3 = False Exit Function End If End If GetR3 = True End Function
Next, the function uses the R3 Connection to create a function object that is then used to tease out the data requested. The parameters passed in are the R3 Connector, the table in SAP, the tab name to be created (or replaced), the list of desired fields separated by comma and finally the options that will be discussed below.
Function SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(ByRef R3 As Object, strSAPTable As String, strTabName As String, strFields As String, Optional ByVal strOptions As String = "") As Long Dim strTemp As String SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE = 0 'Create the database parallel to SAP's . . . Dim nCounter As Long, nCurrent As Long Dim nFieldData(999, 2) As Long, strSaveOptions As String Dim strRow As String Dim strFieldnames() As String Dim strConvOptions() As String Dim FinalRFCQuery As String Dim vField As Variant Dim j As Integer Dim SQL As String Dim nCurRec As Long, nCurSec As Long Dim isUpdate As Boolean Dim strFieldName As String Dim nRowCount As Long Dim nTotalRecords As Long Dim RetVal As Variant, nSecondsLeft As Long, nTotalSeconds As Long Dim MyFunc, App As Object ' Define the objects to hold IMPORT parameters Dim QUERY_TABLE As Object Dim DELIMITER As Object Dim NO_DATA As Object Dim ROWSKIPS As Object Dim ROWCOUNT As Object ' Define the objects to hold the EXPORT parameters ' None for RFC_TABLE_READ ' Define the objects to hold the TABLES parameters ' Where clause Dim OPTIONS As Object ' Fill with fields to return. After function call will hold ' detailed information about the columns of data (start position ' of each field, length, etc. Dim FIELDS As Object ' Holds the data returned by the function Dim DATA As Object ' Use to write out results Dim ROW As Object Dim Result As Boolean Dim iRow, iColumn, iStart, iStartRow, iField, iLength As Integer '*********************************** ' Set up an offset and length loop. '*********************************** Const nMaxRowCount = 250000 Dim nRowSkip nRowSkip = 0 nTotalSeconds = 0 '***************************************************** 'Call RFC function RFC_READ_TABLE '***************************************************** Set MyFunc = R3.Add("RFC_READ_TABLE") ' Set the Objects to the parameter they will return Set QUERY_TABLE = MyFunc.exports("QUERY_TABLE") Set DELIMITER = MyFunc.exports("DELIMITER") Set NO_DATA = MyFunc.exports("NO_DATA") Set ROWSKIPS = MyFunc.exports("ROWSKIPS") Set ROWCOUNT = MyFunc.exports("ROWCOUNT") Set OPTIONS = MyFunc.Tables("OPTIONS") OPTIONS.Rows.RemoveAll Set FIELDS = MyFunc.Tables("FIELDS") FIELDS.Rows.RemoveAll QUERY_TABLE.Value = strSAPTable DELIMITER.Value = vbTab NO_DATA = "" ROWSKIPS.Value = nRowSkip ROWCOUNT.Value = nMaxRowCount 'Quebrando o nome dos campos j = 0 strFieldnames = Split(strFields, ",") For Each vField In strFieldnames j = j + 1 FIELDS.Rows.Add FIELDS.Value(j, "FIELDNAME") = Trim(UCase(vField)) Next 'Quebrando Lendo condições Where j = 0 If strOptions <> "" Then stroption = UCase(strOptions) 'If InStr(strOptions, " OR ") Then ' strConvOptions = Split(strOptions, " OR ") Do While Len(strOptions) > 0 For nCurrent = 1 To Len(strOptions) 'OPTIONS.Value(j, 1) = OPTIONS.Value(j, 1) & Left(strOptions, 1) 'strOptions = Mid(strOptions, 2, 9999) 'If Right(OPTIONS.Value(j, 1), 4) = " OR " Or Right(OPTIONS.Value(j, 1), 5) = " AND " Then If Right(Left(strOptions, nCurrent), 4) = " OR " Or Right(Left(strOptions, nCurrent), 5) = " AND " Then 'Break the option here and start a new one. OPTIONS.Rows.Add j = j + 1 OPTIONS.Value(j, 1) = Left(strOptions, nCurrent) strOptions = Mid(strOptions, nCurrent + 1, 9999) Exit For Else If nCurrent = Len(strOptions) Then 'This is the last Option. OPTIONS.Rows.Add j = j + 1 OPTIONS.Value(j, 1) = strOptions strOptions = "" End If End If Next Loop End If RetVal = DoEvents Result = MyFunc.Call If Result = True Then Set DATA = MyFunc.Tables("DATA") Set FIELDS = MyFunc.Tables("FIELDS") Set OPTIONS = MyFunc.Tables("OPTIONS") Else MsgBox MyFunc.EXCEPTION 'R3.Connection.logoff Exit Function End If nTotalColumns = FIELDS.ROWCOUNT For iField = 1 To FIELDS.ROWCOUNT nFieldData(iField, 1) = FIELDS(iField, "OFFSET") nFieldData(iField, 2) = FIELDS(iField, "LENGTH") Next 'Create the requested Tab. Dim wsOutput As Worksheet Set wsOutput = CreateTab(strTabName) Dim nCurrentRow As Long Dim strColumn As String, strCell As String, strRange As String 'Freeze the top row... Application.ScreenUpdating = True ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False ActiveWindow.SplitColumn = 0 ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 1 ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True iField = 1 nRowCount = FIELDS.ROWCOUNT strFields = "X" For iField = 1 To nRowCount nFieldData(iField, 1) = FIELDS(iField, "OFFSET") nFieldData(iField, 2) = FIELDS(iField, "LENGTH") If iField > 1 Then strFields = strFields & ",X" End If Next Dim strFieldValues() As String 'Used later to speed up writes to ranges. strFieldValues = Split(strFields, ",") Do While DATA.ROWCOUNT > 0 For iRow = 1 To DATA.ROWCOUNT If nTotalRecords < 1048575 Then nTotalRecords = nTotalRecords + 1 strRow = DATA(iRow, 1) 'Pull this into a string rather than pull it from DATA each time... 'Add the row to the spreadsheet. For iField = 1 To nRowCount 'wsOutput.Range(strCell).NumberFormat = "@" 'Format the cell as text. 'wsOutput.Range(strCell).Value = Trim(Mid(strRow, nFieldData(iField, 1) + 1, nFieldData(iField, 2))) strFieldValues(iField - 1) = Trim(Mid(strRow, nFieldData(iField, 1) + 1, nFieldData(iField, 2))) Next If nRowCount < 27 Then strColumn = Chr(64 + nRowCount) Else strColumn = Chr(64 + Int(nRowCount / 26)) & Chr(64 + nRowCount - (26 * (Int(nRowCount / 26)))) End If strCell = strColumn & Trim(1 + nTotalRecords) strRange = "A" & Trim(1 + nTotalRecords) & ":" & strCell wsOutput.Range(strRange).NumberFormat = "@" 'Format the cell as text. wsOutput.Range(strRange).Value = strFieldValues 'Trim(Mid(strRow, nFieldData(iField, 1) + 1, nFieldData(iField, 2))) If Second(Now()) <> nCurSec Then ' And nCurRec <> rs.RecordCount Then nCurSec = Second(Now()) wsOutput.Range("A1").Value = nTotalRecords & " records" If nCurSec / 2 = Int(nCurSec / 2) Then wsOutput.Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) Else wsOutput.Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(233, 233, 0) End If RetVal = DoEvents() End If End If Next '*********************************************************** ' Check to see if the function should be called again . . . '*********************************************************** If DATA.ROWCOUNT < nMaxRowCount Then 'There is no need to read again to get a zero value. Exit Do Else 'Set the offset to read the next block. nRowSkip = nRowSkip + nMaxRowCount End If '*********************************************************** ' Call the function again to get the next block of records. '*********************************************************** ROWSKIPS.Value = nRowSkip ROWCOUNT.Value = nMaxRowCount MyFunc.Tables("DATA").Rows.RemoveAll 'Special thanks to Mike Burnett Result = MyFunc.Call Set DATA = MyFunc.Tables("DATA") Set FIELDS = MyFunc.Tables("FIELDS") Set OPTIONS = MyFunc.Tables("OPTIONS") Loop strCell = "A2" wsOutput.Range(strCell).Show For iField = 1 To FIELDS.ROWCOUNT If iField < 27 Then strColumn = Chr(64 + iField) Else strColumn = Chr(64 + Int((iField - 1) / 26)) & Chr(64 + iField - (26 * (Int((iField - 1) / 26)))) End If strCell = strColumn & "1" wsOutput.Range(strCell).Value = FIELDS(iField, "FIELDNAME") wsOutput.Range(strCell).Font.Bold = True wsOutput.Range(strCell).Interior.Color = RGB(222, 222, 222) RetVal = DoEvents() Next 'rs.Close 'Close #2 'Set dbs = Nothing 'Set rs = Nothing 'RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter) '***************************************** ' Log off of the SAP system and clean up. '***************************************** DATA.Rows.RemoveAll Set DATA = Nothing FIELDS.Rows.RemoveAll Set FIELDS = Nothing OPTIONS.Rows.RemoveAll Set OPTIONS = Nothing Set MyFunc = Nothing 'R3.Connection.logoff 'Set R3 = Nothing SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE = nTotalRecords End Function Function NukeTab(strTabName) As Boolean Dim objCurrentSheet As Worksheet For Each objCurrentSheet In Sheets If objCurrentSheet.Name = strTabName Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False objCurrentSheet.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True NukeTab = True Exit Function End If Next NukeTab = False End Function Function CreateTab(strTabName) As Worksheet Dim objCurrentSheet As Worksheet For Each objCurrentSheet In Sheets If objCurrentSheet.Name = strTabName Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False objCurrentSheet.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Exit For 'Set CreateTab = objCurrentSheet 'Exit Function 'Sheets. (objCurrentSheet) End If Next Set CreateTab = Sheets.Add CreateTab.Name = strTabName End Function
At the end of the code block above are the NukeTab
and the CreateTab
function. The NukeTab
deletes a Worksheet when it exists. The CreateTab
creates a blank Worksheet in the current spreadsheet (after deleting one of the same name if necessary) and passes a return value that is a Worksheet object.
parameter that is passed to the RFC is passed in as an internal table. These data act like a WHERE statement without the word "WHERE" and can be used to filter the data like in the examples below.
nRecordCount = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "T134M", "tblT134M", "", "BWKEY like '1%' or BWKEY like '3%'")
Handling extracts that exceed Excel's row limit
In some cases, the number of records exceeds 1,048,575; that is the maximum number of data rows in an Excel spreadsheet when using headers. In that case, some simple code can be used to create a new addressing system to poke and peek data into a spreadsheet in a linear fashion.
As an example, these functions below can be used to tease MARC data out of an SAP system when the volume exceeds Excel's row limit. Each one is explained individually.
This first function accepts the R3 connection and a range as parameters. The range includes the Material Masters for which the Plant data will be extracted.
The concatenates a reasonable number of Material Master numbers along with "OR" statements. This allows for more records than are allowed in an IN SQL statement with an array.
This function also teases out the MARD entries and concatenates them as a field on the row in Excel. Finally, the function calls the SetMARC function to poke the record into a larger Worksheet.
Function PopulateMARCbyMATNR(ByRef R3 As Object, objRange As Range) As Long Dim nCountMARA As Long, objCell As Object, strMaterial As String, strMaterialFilter As String, nMaterials As Long, nCurrentRow As Long Dim nCurSec As Integer, strSkipMaterials As String, strSkipPlants As String, nCurrent As Long Const strGetFields As String = "MATNR,WERKS,PSTAT,AUSME,DISMM,DISPO,DISLS,BESKZ,SOBSL,LOSGR,SOBSK,LGPRO,DISGR,LGFSB" Dim nLGORTs As Long, nCurrentLGORT As Long, strLGORTs As String, strOptions As String For Each objCell In objRange.Cells If objCell.Value <> "" Then strMaterial = objCell.Value If InStr(strMaterialFilter, strMaterial) < 1 And InStr(strSkipMaterials, objCell.Value) < 1 Then If strMaterialFilter = "" Then strMaterialFilter = "MATNR EQ '" & strMaterial & "'" Else strMaterialFilter = strMaterialFilter & " OR MATNR EQ " & "'" & strMaterial & "'" End If strSkipMaterials = strSkipMaterials & "," & objCell.Value End If If Len(strMaterialFilter) > 4000 Then a = CreateLogEntry("Pulling MARC entries for " & strMaterialFilter) nMaterials = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "MARC", "tempMARC", strGetFields, strMaterialFilter) If nMaterials > 0 Then nLGORTs = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "MARD", "tempMARD", "MATNR,WERKS,LGORT", strMaterialFilter) a = SortByFirstTwoColumns("tempMARC", nMaterials) a = SortByFirstTwoColumns("tempMARD", nLGORTs) For nCurrentRow = 2 To nMaterials + 1 strLGORTs = GetLGORTs(Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A" & nCurrentRow).Value, Sheets("tempMARC").Range("B" & nCurrentRow).Value) Sheets("tempMARC").Range("O" & nCurrentRow).Value = strLGORTs nCountMARC = SetMARC(Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A" & nCurrentRow & ":O" & nCurrentRow)) If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = FlashTab("MARC") End If Next End If strMaterialFilter = "" End If End If If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = FlashTab("MARC") End If Next If strMaterialFilter <> "" Then a = CreateLogEntry("Pulling MARC entries for " & strMaterialFilter) nMaterials = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "MARC", "tempMARC", strGetFields, strMaterialFilter) If nMaterials > 0 Then nLGORTs = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "MARD", "tempMARD", "MATNR,WERKS,LGORT", strMaterialFilter) a = SortByFirstTwoColumns("tempMARC", nMaterials) a = SortByFirstTwoColumns("tempMARD", nLGORTs) For nCurrentRow = 2 To nMaterials + 1 strLGORTs = GetLGORTs(Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A" & nCurrentRow).Value, Sheets("tempMARC").Range("B" & nCurrentRow).Value) Sheets("tempMARC").Range("O" & nCurrentRow).Value = strLGORTs nCountMARC = SetMARC(Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A" & nCurrentRow & ":O" & nCurrentRow)) If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = FlashTab("MARC") End If Next End If strMaterialFilter = "" End If If nMaterials > 0 Then Sheets("MARC").Range("A1:O1").Value = Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A1:O1").Value Sheets("MARC").Range("O1").Value = "LGORTS" Sheets("MARC").Range("A1:O1").Font.Bold = True Sheets("MARC").Range("A1:O1").Interior.Color = RGB(222, 222, 222) End If nCurrent = NukeTab("tempMARC") nCurrent = NukeTab("tempMARD") Sheets("MARA").Tab.Color = RGB(222, 222, 22) PopulateMARCbyMATNR = nCountMARA End Function
function is simple enough. It combs through the records in the tempMARD tab of the current spreadsheet to concatenate all of the storage locations associated with an Material Master and Plant combination.
It relies on the values in the spreadsheet to be sorted by Material Master number. The code in the SortByFirstTwoColums
function (which is documented below this one) sorts these quickly so that this function works.
Function GetLGORTs(strMATNR As String, strWERKS As String) As String Dim nCurrent As Long, strLGORTs As String Static nCurrentLGORT As Long If Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A1").Interior.Color <> RGB(222, 222, 0) Then Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(222, 222, 0) nCurrentLGORT = 1 End If If strMATNR = "" Then Exit Function End If Do While Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value < strMATNR nCurrentLGORT = nCurrentLGORT + 1 If Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value = "" Then nCurrentLGORT = 1 Exit Function End If Loop Do While Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value = strMATNR And Sheets("tempMARD").Range("B" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value < strWERKS nCurrentLGORT = nCurrentLGORT + 1 If Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value = "" Then nCurrentLGORT = 1 Exit Function End If Loop strLGORTs = "" Do While Sheets("tempMARD").Range("A" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value = strMATNR And Sheets("tempMARD").Range("B" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value = strWERKS strLGORTs = strLGORTs & Sheets("tempMARD").Range("C" & nCurrentLGORT + 1).Value nCurrentLGORT = nCurrentLGORT + 1 Loop GetLGORTs = strLGORTs End Function
The SortByFirstTwoColumns
is an ultra-simple and very fast way to sort rows in an Excel spreadsheet by the first two columns which is usually enough. It accepts as its parameters the name of the Worksheet (strTabName) to be sorted and the number of records to be sorted (nRows); the SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE
function returns a long which is the number of entries it retrieved and that value is passed to this function instead of using logic to find the number of records.
Function SortByFirstTwoColumns(strTabName As String, nRows As Long) As Boolean ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(strTabName).Sort.SortFields.Clear ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(strTabName).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A2:A" & (1 + nRows)), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(strTabName).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B2:B" & (1 + nRows)), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(strTabName).Sort .SetRange Range("A2:Z" & (1 + nRows)) .Header = xlGuess .MatchCase = False .Orientation = xlTopToBottom .SortMethod = xlPinYin .Apply End With End Function
function pokes the data in an addressable way into a larger Worksheet in order to exceed Excel's limit on rows. It keeps a static counter and incrments it each time the function is called.
Function SetMARC(objRange As Range) As Long Static nCountMARC As Long, wsMARC As Worksheet, nCurrentSet As Long, nCurrent As Long, nCurrentLine As Long Dim nRangeLength As Long, nStart As Long 'Const nSetWidth As Long = 30 Set wsMARC = Sheets("MARC") If wsMARC.Range("A2").Value = "" Then nCountMARC = 0 'Refreshed! End If If nCountMARC = 0 Or objRange.Cells.Count = 1 Then For nCurrentSet = 21 To 0 Step -1 If wsMARC.Range(FindExcelCell(1 + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), 2)).Value <> "" Then nCountMARC = 1000000 * nCurrentSet If nCurrentSet = 0 Then nStart = 2 Else nStart = 1 End If For nCurrent = nStart To 1048000 If wsMARC.Range(FindExcelCell(1 + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), nCurrent)).Value <> "" Then nCountMARC = nCountMARC + 1 Else Exit For End If If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = Second(Now) RetVal = DoEvents End If Next Exit For End If Next End If If objRange.Cells.Count > 1 Then nCountMARC = nCountMARC + 1 nCurrentSet = Int(nCountMARC / 1000000) nCurrentLine = nCountMARC - Int(nCurrentSet * 1000000) 'If nCurrentLine > 1000000 Then ' nCurrentSet = nCurrentSet + 1 ' nCurrentLine = nCountMARC - Int(nCurrentSet * 1000000) 'End If nRangeLength = objRange.Cells.Count wsMARC.Range(FindExcelCell(1 + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), 1 + nCurrentLine) & ":" & FindExcelCell(nRangeLength + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), 1 + nCurrentLine)).NumberFormat = "@" wsMARC.Range(FindExcelCell(1 + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), 1 + nCurrentLine) & ":" & FindExcelCell(nRangeLength + (nCurrentSet * nSetWidth), 1 + nCurrentLine)).Value = objRange.Value End If SetMARC = nCountMARC End Function
Finally, the GetMARC
function peeks the data out of the Worksheet using an integer representing the record number in a linear fashion. This function and the SetMARC
function rely on a global variable called nSetWidth which is delcared as a constant outside of any function or sub.
Const nSetWidth As Long = 30 Function GetMARC(nCurrent As Long, strField As String) As String Static nCountMARC As Long, wsMARC As Worksheet, nCurrentSet As Long, nCurrentLine As Long 'Static nLastCurrent As Long, strLastField As String, strLastValue As String Dim nCurrentColumn As Long Static strColumns(70) As String 'Const nSetWidth As Long = 30 'If nCurrent = 0 Then ' GetMARC = "" ' Exit Function 'End If If strColumns(1) = "" Then For nCurrentColumn = 1 To 70 strColumns(nCurrentColumn) = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell(nCurrentColumn, 1)).Value Next End If nCurrentSet = Int(nCurrent / 1000000) nCurrentLine = nCurrent - (1000000 * nCurrentSet) For nCurrentColumn = 1 To 70 If strColumns(nCurrentColumn) = strField Then Exit For End If Next GetMARC = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nCurrentColumn, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value End Function
Organize this data so it can be read much faster
Rather than reading linearly through millions of Plant extension records to find those associated with a particular Material Master, the records can be sorted and then teased out using a for/next loop that starts at the first record and ends at the last record. This shaves hours off of processing and can be done relatively simply.
This sub sorts the MARC records while doing its best to conserve memory. It uses a System.Collections.ArrayList
to sneakily sort millions of records in mere seconds instead of using nested loops and spending hours swapping cells in the spreadsheet.
Sub SortMARC() Dim nCurrentColumn As Long, nCurrent As Long, nCurrent2 As Long, nCurSec As Long Dim nCountMARC As Long, strTemp As Variant Dim nCurrentSet As Long, nCurrentLine As Long Dim nCurrentSet2 As Long, nCurrentLine2 As Long Static strColumns(70) As String 'Const nSetWidth As Long = 30 'Get the number of Plant extensions in the MARC tab... nCountMARC = SetMARC(Range("ZZ9")) 'Set these to be stored as text. 'Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell(1, 1048570) & ":" & FindExcelCell(70, 1048570)).NumberFormat = "@" Sheets("MARC").Range("A1048570").Value = "Sorted" Dim arr As Object Dim cell As Range Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") For nCurrent = 1 To nCountMARC nCurrentSet = Int(nCurrent / 1000000) nCurrentLine = nCurrent - (1000000 * nCurrentSet) strTemp = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value & Right("000000000" & nCurrent, 9) arr.Add strTemp If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = Second(Now) If nCurSec / 2 = Int(nCurSec / 2) Then Sheets("MARC").Tab.Color = RGB(222, 22, 222) Else Sheets("MARC").Tab.Color = RGB(111, 11, 111) End If RetVal = DoEvents End If Next arr.Sort Dim wsTemp As Worksheet Set wsTemp = CreateTab("tempMARC") nCurrent = 0 For Each strTemp In arr nCurrent = nCurrent + 1 nCurrent2 = Val(Mid(strTemp, 19, 9)) If nCurrent <> nCurrent2 Then nCurrentSet = Int(nCurrent / 1000000) nCurrentLine = nCurrent - (1000000 * nCurrentSet) nCurrentSet2 = Int(nCurrent2 / 1000000) nCurrentLine2 = nCurrent2 - (1000000 * nCurrentSet2) Sheets("tempMARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine + 1)).NumberFormat = "@" Sheets("tempMARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value If nCurrent2 < nCurrent Then Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value = Sheets("tempMARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine2 + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine2 + 1)).Value Sheets("tempMARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine2 + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine2 + 1)).Clear Else Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine + 1)).Value = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine2 + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine2 + 1)).Value End If 'Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + 1, nCurrentLine2 + 1) & ":" & FindExcelCell((nCurrentSet2 * nSetWidth) + nSetWidth, nCurrentLine2 + 1)).Value = Sheets("MARC").Range(FindExcelCell(1, 1048570) & ":" & FindExcelCell(70, 1048570)).Value End If If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = Second(Now) If nCurSec / 2 = Int(nCurSec / 2) Then Sheets("MARC").Tab.Color = RGB(222, 22, 222) Else Sheets("MARC").Tab.Color = RGB(111, 11, 111) End If Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A1").Value = "Sorting... " & Int(100 * (nCurrent / nCountMARC)) & "% completed." RetVal = DoEvents End If Next Set arr = Nothing a = NukeTab("tempMARC") End Sub
When the GetMARCRange
function is called, it combs through the data to find the first instance of the Material Master and then the last and then returns the two values as an 18-digit string value. The first nine digits are the first instance of the Material Master and the last nine digits are the last and can be called as in the sample code below.
Function CountMARCEntries(strMATNR as string) as long Dim strRange as string, nCurrent as long, nCount as long nCount = 0 strRange = GetMARCRange(strMATNR) For nCurrent = Val(Left(strRange, 9)) To Val(Right(strRange, 9)) nCount = nCount + 1 Next CountMARCEntries = nCount End Function Function GetMARCRange(strMATNR As String) As String Static nCount As Long, strRanges(999999, 1) As String, nCountMARC As Long Static strLastMATNR As String, nLastLast As Long, nStart As Long Dim nCurrent As Long, nFirst As Long, nLast As Long, nCurrentMATNR As String nStart = 1 If Sheets("MARC").Range("A1048570").Value <> "" Then 'This was just sorted. Start from scratch... Sheets("MARC").Range("A1048570").Value = "" nCount = 0 nCountMARC = 0 nLastLast = 1 End If For nCurrent = 1 To nCount If strRanges(nCurrent, 1) = strMATNR Then GetMARCRange = strRanges(nCurrent, 0) Exit Function End If Next If nCountMARC = 0 Then nCountMARC = SetMARC(Range("ZZ9")) End If 'Seriously speed this process up . . . If strLastMATNR < strMATNR And nLastLast <> 0 Then nStart = nLastLast Else For nCurrent = 1000 To nCountMARC - 2000 Step 1000 If GetMARC(nCurrent, "MATNR") < strMATNR Then nStart = nCurrent Else Exit For End If Next End If nFirst = 0 nLast = 0 For nCurrent = nStart To nCountMARC If GetMARC(nCurrent, "MATNR") = strMATNR Then If nFirst = 0 Then nFirst = nCurrent End If nLast = nCurrent Else If nLast > 0 Then Exit For End If If GetMARC(nCurrent, "MATNR") > strMATNR Then 'The Material Master isn't in this list. Exit For End If End If Next nCount = nCount + 1 strRanges(nCount, 1) = strMATNR strRanges(nCount, 0) = Right("000000000" & nFirst, 9) & Right("000000000" & nLast, 9) GetMARCRange = strRanges(nCount, 0) strLastMATNR = strMATNR nLastLast = nLast End Function
Update: Solving the SAPSQL_DATA_LOSS problem
After a recent update, the RFC began throwing this SAPSQL_DATA_LOSS error; code that worked for years suddenly stopped working, so some debugging was in order. The problem was first noticed on May 1st, 2023 and presented itself as a RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE error or SAPSQL_DATA_LOSS error or both.
It didn't take long to figure out that the problem was being caused by OPTIONS being passed in with values that were longer than the field being compared. An good example that came from knitting the WHERE statements from columnized data with headers was
Once the five-character header row was removed from the data being passed into the function, the code began to work again. The supplemental code below was enough to prevent the header from being passed into the RFC_READ_TABLE function as a line in the OPTIONS parameter.
'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * '* This function pulls a list of Sales Area extensions * '* associated with the Sales Orgs provided. * '* * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * nRangeCount = objRange.Cells.Count For Each objCell In objRange.Cells nRangeCurrent = nRangeCurrent + 1 'If objCell.Value <> "" Then strVKORG = objCell.Value If InStr(strVKORGFilter, strVKORG) < 1 And InStr(strSkipVKORGs, strVKORG) < 1 and strVKORG <> 'VKORG' Then If strVKORGFilter = "" Then strVKORGFilter = "VKORG EQ '" & strVKORG & "'" Else strVKORGFilter = strVKORGFilter & " OR VKORG EQ " & "'" & strVKORG & "'" End If strSkipVKORGs = strSkipVKORGs & "," & objCell.Value End If If Len(strVKORGFilter) > 4000 Or (Len(strVKORGFilter) > 1 And nRangeCurrent = nRangeCount) Then a = CreateLogEntry("Pulling MARC entries for " & strVKORGFilter) nMaterials = SAP_RFC_READ_TABLE(R3, "MVKE", "tempMVKE", strGetFields, strVKORGFilter) If nMaterials > 0 Then a = SortByFirstThreeColumns("tempMVKE", nMaterials) For nCurrentRow = 2 To nMaterials + 1 'strLGORTs = GetLGORTs(Sheets("tempMARC").Range("A" & nCurrentRow).Value, Sheets("tempMARC").Range("B" & nCurrentRow).Value) 'Sheets("tempMARC").Range("O" & nCurrentRow).Value = strLGORTs nCountMVKE = SetMVKE(Sheets("tempMVKE").Range("A" & nCurrentRow & ":O" & nCurrentRow)) If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then nCurSec = FlashTab("MVKE") End If Next End If strVKORGFilter = "" End If 'End If 'If nCurSec <> Second(Now) Then ' nCurSec = FlashTab("MVKE") 'End If Next