How To Find a Lost LSMW Object

When simple LSMW best practices are not followed, a system can be overwhelmed with uncontrolled redundant growth. When this happens, there is a chance that a consultant can walk into a situation that has many LSMW Objects spread over several LSMW Projects with disparate naming conventions and no rhyme or reason.
Knowledge transfer and training can take weeks, but that does not reduce a client's expectation that esoteric data can be loaded by a Data Migration consultant the day that he arrives on a project. After all, "The program is already written!"
Without some help, finding the program that other team members have used to load data in the past can be a daunting task. Here are some tips that can help.
Search based on the source data file
Finding the LSMW an object that fits the name of the file that the client has provided as source data is harder than finding the princess that fits the glass slipper. The /SAPDMC/LSGUSDFI
table makes the task a lot easier by allowing one to search for LSMW Objects by source file.
Search based on Username and Date
If the client can explain by whom and when the program was last used then a quick search through the /SAPDMC/LSOLOG
table can narrow down the search. Combing through a few LSMW objects can be a lot faster than analyzing thousands manually.
Search based on target field name or snippet of code
If a target field name is unique enough or a snippet of code (like a function name) is used in the Conversion Rules then searching the /SAPDMC/LSOCOD
might yield the desired results. Because the LINE
field in this table is case-sensitive, ratifying standards for coding can make this much simpler.
Search through All Projects
In LSMW, click the "All Objects" button and then click the Search Button. Type the name of the object to find and be sure to try different variations on the spelling and abbreviation.
Additionally, this fun list of tables associated with LSMW can be combed for more clues. Narrowing down the search will make the task of finding a lost LSMW Object much easier.
All the tables related to LSMW: /SAPDMC/LISCREEN General (Screen Fields) /SAPDMC/LSCDOCU Documentation Elements /SAPDMC/LSCDOCUT Documentation Elements: Name /SAPDMC/LSCPROGS Parameter Names of the BI/DI Program /SAPDMC/LSCRULE Rule categories /SAPDMC/LSCRULET Rule categories /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPS Work Steps /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPT Work Step: Name /SAPDMC/LSCVERSN LSMW Version Number /SAPDMC/LSGBDC BI Name: "Code" /SAPDMC/LSGBDCA BI Name: Attributes /SAPDMC/LSGBDCS BI Name: Structures (Name=PrefixRecordingHlevel) /SAPDMC/LSGBDCT BI Recording: Name /SAPDMC/LSGCUST Server-Dependent Settings /SAPDMC/LSGPRO Projects /SAPDMC/LSGPROT Project: Name /SAPDMC/LSGSUB Subprojects /SAPDMC/LSGSUBT Subproject: Name /SAPDMC/LSGUSDFI LSMW Files Used /SAPDMC/LSMCUST Client-Dependent Settings (IDoc Inbound Processing) /SAPDMC/LSOALG Action Log /SAPDMC/LSOATT Object Attributes /SAPDMC/LSOCOD ABAP Code of Conversion Rules /SAPDMC/LSODOC Documentation /SAPDMC/LSOFIL File Paths and File Names /SAPDMC/LSOFIS File Names per R/3 System /SAPDMC/LSOFIW Files: Values for Wildcard '*' /SAPDMC/LSOFLD Source Fields /SAPDMC/LSOINF Legacy Data: Not Yet Used /SAPDMC/LSOINP Legacy Data: Files /SAPDMC/LSOINS Legacy Data: Assignment of Files to Source Structures /SAPDMC/LSOLOG Log Info per Object and Work Step /SAPDMC/LSOMAP Field Mapping /SAPDMC/LSOPAR Diverse Parameters /SAPDMC/LSOPRT Flow and Message Log /SAPDMC/LSOREC Recordings per Object /SAPDMC/LSOREL Structure Relationships /SAPDMC/LSORUL Rule Category /SAPDMC/LSOSTR Source Structures /SAPDMC/LSOTXT Objects: Name /SAPDMC/LSRATT Central Rules: Definition and Attributes /SAPDMC/LSRCOD Central Rules: Code /SAPDMC/LSRTXT Central Rules: Name /SAPDMC/LSRVLI Central Rules: Interval Translation Values /SAPDMC/LSRVLO Central Rules: 1:1 Translation Values /SAPDMC/LSUCUST Personal settings /SAPDMC/LSUMENU User Menu /SAPDMC/LSUPROF User Profile
Special credit goes to Álvaro Benito for this breakdown of the tables associated with LSMW.