Send Popup Message to SAP Users with LSMW

Hidden deep in SAP is a way to send a popup messages to users who are logged on. This can be a convenient way to reach out to a user who has open an object that needs to be updated--especially if that user is in another country.
An easy way to send a popup message to another user is by launching the SE37 transaction and running the TH_POPUP
function. An even easier way that does not require access to SE37 and lists the users who are currently logged on is by using an LSMW object as a user-friendly wrapper for the TH_POPUP
This LSMW object is used as a framework to create a report and relies on the drop down menu to provide a list of users who are logged in. Start by adding the parameters and variables that will be used to provide the list of online users to the GLOBAL_DATA section of Field Mapping and Conversion Rules.
data: it_Users type standard table of UINFO with header line. TYPE-POOLS: vrm. DATA: gt_list TYPE vrm_values. DATA: gwa_list TYPE vrm_value. DATA: gt_values TYPE TABLE OF dynpread, gwa_values TYPE dynpread. DATA: gv_selected_value(10) TYPE c. data: lUSR21 like USR21, lADRP like ADRP. parameters: p_user like USR01-BNAME AS LISTBOX visible length 20 obligatory, p_messag like SM04DIC-POPUPMSG obligatory.
Next, use the THUSRINFO
function to populate the it_Users
internal table with the list of online users and then use those values to populate the gt_list
internal table that will then be used populate the drop down menu. The VRM_SET_VALUES
function associates the values in the gt_list
internal table with the parameter P_USER.
"Get list of users currently logged in . . . call function 'THUSRINFO' tables USR_TABL = it_Users. loop at it_Users where BNAME ne ''. gwa_list-key = it_Users-BNAME. select * from USR21 into lUSR21 where BNAME eq it_Users-BNAME. select * from ADRP into lADRP where PERSNUMBER eq lUSR21-PERSNUMBER. concatenate it_Users-BNAME ':' lADRP-NAME_FIRST lADRP-NAME_LAST into gwa_list-text separated by space. endselect. endselect. append gwa_list to gt_list. endloop. CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES' EXPORTING id = 'P_USER' values = gt_list EXCEPTIONS id_illegal_name = 1 OTHERS = 2.
Finally, call the TH_POP
using the values from the initial screen to send the popup message. Because the user ID comes from a list of users that are logged on, this will go through unless the user has logged off while typing the message--hence the error catching code.
call function 'TH_POPUP' exporting client = sy-mandt user = p_user message = p_Messag exceptions USER_NOT_FOUND = 1. if sy-subrc eq 0. write: / 'Message sent' color col_positive. else. write: / 'User not found' color col_negative. endif.
That is all it takes to send a popup message in SAP. This LSMW object is included as part of Jimbo's LSMW Toolbox along with several other useful tools.