SAPLSMW Used By International Manufacturer for Americas Rollout

Jimbo's picture

liquid soap pumpThe tools and knowledge from SAPLSMW are being utilized by an international manufacturer that produces closures for bottles and cans of food, soap and cosmetics. While the legacy systems in this implementation are older versions SAP the transition is neither easy nor smooth because of simultaneously-changing methodologies and changing business requirements.

Aptar closures

LSMW Lucky Cat with hair netThe manufacturer has already implemented SAP in Europe and is currently rolling out SAP to its American plants. The legacy systems are all older versions of SAP including R/3, some of those obtained through corporate acquisition. The production system is ECC6, so most objects require very little transformation to make them suitable for SAP.

The Routings are being created from scratch or rewritten to include alternate and parallel sequences. Many material numbers will be consolidated into individual pseudo-configurable materials. No pure configurable materials will be created. Instead the configurable nature of each material will be based on classification allowing for various colors, openings and threads with a custom program used to calculate configurable pricing.

Update: As of October, the manufacturer's Midland, Michigan plant is successfully online and using SAP for its daily operations. The project continues in Stratford, Connecticut with a projected go-live of February 3, 2013.
Panoramic view of Stratford project trailer
Panoramic view of Stratford project trailer

Update: As of February 2013, the manufacturer's Stratford, Connecticut plant is successfully online and using SAP for its daily operations.

Update: As of October 2013 the manufacturer's Cary plant is successfully online and using SAP for its daily operations. The project continues in Mukwonago, Michigan.

Update: The Mukwonago, Michigan rollout was also a huge success.